Friday, May 27, 2011

Adventures in Breastfeeding

Rhea is getting close to six months old. This is the time that I have said I will wean her.

Pumping at work isn't too difficult... Really it's just annoying to stop working and go do nothing for a while. I know, I'm stupid for not wanting a break.

So anyway, I've been considering starting the process sooner. Weaning her this month instead of next. While mentally I'm on board with this plan, I can't seem to follow through with it. I love breastfeeding my baby.

I enjoy the sense of closeness and the ease of it compared to formula feeding.

Maybe I'm approaching it from the wrong direction. Instead of replacing nighttime feedings I should do daytime feedings first...

Or maybe I should just admit to myself that even though formula would allow me to share the responsibility of feeding Rhea, I'm just not ready to do it.


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