So someone I work with is being reassigned to a lesser position. Same pay just not as much prestige.
Thats not the issue though. The issue is all this person did wrong was not interact with the civilian in my office the way she wanted.
The Civilian then launced a career killing campaign which pretty much succeeded. Okay now.... WHAT THE FUCK ARE THE PEOPLE AT THE TOP THIINKING LETTING THIS FLY???
I know my AG was pretty much kept in the dark but my AAG has some fucking issues if he crushed someone just to keep The Civilian happy. Anyway, they just commited like the absolute perfect IG complaint I have ever seen. If it was me being bent over the barrel I wouldn't even stop on the way from finding out to the IG's door.
Fuck seriously people. You are going to attached the social stigma of being reassigned to a pretty decent Soldier just because she didn't jump when your no rank holding answering machine asked? Are you fucking tapped?
I don't often get disallusioned with the Military, in fact I usually love it, but this just takes the fucking cake.
Im sorry if I'm not being clear on the subject. I really am trying to be obtuse because hey, I don't want to be next on the list.
But its fucked for sure.
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