Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I need an A

Problem: I need an A in my Econ course to get into my college's education program. My only grade in this class is a 74. I only get one more test and a quiz. I'm pretty sure this is impossible. It's only slightly my fault that I got a 74. The rest is the fault of a certain VW Jetta that decided that right before my exam was a great time to shatter it's fly wheel. That was a fun night. Erik had to come and pick me up, with crying baby in tow. The standard transmission gave out on the only hill between me and my test. I managed (with help) to get it off the street into a reserved parking spot. Then I had to rush the test. I completed the 50 questions in under 10 minutes. Then I had to rush out and help Erik get the car towed to Coventry. We didn't kill each other in the process though. I am still proud of that fact.


Antiope said...

Did you try to talk to your professor about what happened with your car? Maybe you could retake the exam?

Meg said...

Yeah, thats a big negative on a retake or any type of extra credit.

He sucks. I'm looking into retaking some of the classes from my freshman year that I barely passed to boost my GPA now.