Monday, March 14, 2011

This is uncomfortable

I choose to breastfeed my daughter. Not as much thought went into making the decision as some may think. It’s the first way any animal feeds their offspring, it’s easy and it is cheap. That’s pretty much it.

What I didn’t expect was how much other people feel they have a right to infringe their opinions upon my choice. How people feel they can comment on how they think breastfeeding is gross. Now many moms might tell me to ignore these people but I have a hard time doing that. This is all brand new to me and sometimes I feel a little lost and confused.

I’m not an exhibitionist. I don’t enjoy flashing my boobs around in public but I need to feed my baby. I also don’t want to be shut off from society in some small room because breastfeeding makes people uncomfortable. Why is it so hard to accept someone else’s choice and leave them alone?

If someone chooses to bottle fed I don’t get all upset. That is their choice made for their own private reasons. I couldn’t judge someone because they are doing something different from what I’m doing.

I’m extra sensitive to this because this is my first week back at work and I’m pumping to feed Rhea. The way my office is set up I have no place to pump in private (except for an office that has windows and walls that don’t go all the way to the ceiling). I am not particularly upset about this but I know there are people I work with who will be. Not like it is any of their business but I guess that doesn’t matter. I also have to walk past a bunch of guys who look at me like; ewwww gross, when I go to clean my equipment.

I guess what I’m trying to say is I didn’t expect the mild revulsion that some people show towards a natural act. That is still throwing me for a loop.

Still, if I ever have another child I will still choose to breastfeed. It’s a lot of work and at times painful but I really do love the closeness it brings to the mother-child relationship. Plus, its WAAAYYYY cheaper than formula. ;-)

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