OK... I am pretty close to fucking losing it on Erik when he gets home. Im on my way home from class and he starts bitching about how the dogs will crap on "his" lawn and make it have dead spots. My arguement is duh of course the dogs will crap on the lawn. If you want a nice lawn then you have to remove the crap. End of story. That doesnt sit well with him. He wants a dog run.
Alrighty then, dog run. Whatever. Thats fine really as long as he realizes that a dog will not always poop where expected and if we let them on the "his" lawn then they will probably poop there to. (I just dont want the dogs to be restricted to the dog run for their entire outside experience- reason for me being against the dog run)
Then he gets all huffy because the house isnt clean yet (previous owners were sloppy and dirty). ~Fine by me. Maybe he'll actually consider cleaning up after himself for once. ~ WRONG, it's my fault the house isnt clean. So the tangled up extension cords in the breeze way? I put them there. The socks on the floor of our bedroom? My fault. The dirty dishes in the sink? Me again!
Now I really do realize that I create just as much mess but come on man! Seriously, you want me to clean the entire house and pick up your leavings while I'm at it?! Who the fuck do you think I am? Martha Stewart or one of those Stepford Wives?
Last time I checked I was neither and its not going to change anytime soon so maybe you should start putting in some time instead of fliting from project to project like some hummingbird with ADHD.
That said I really do love my husband. For all his quirky strange habits and inspite of his "master of the universe" attitude sometimes, he is still my honey bunches. A little understanding can go a long way boy-o!
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