Monday, December 6, 2010

Chew, chew, chew, chew

Thats all I can hear right now. My dog gnawing on his chew toy.

I'm 38.5 weeks pregnant this week. I am hoping against hope that I give birth either before December 11 or after December 11. Erik is going to a concert he has been talking about since I've know him and I really don't want him to miss it. I will be very upset.

Plus we spent over $400 on the tickets. That would totally piss me off to waste that much dinero.

So if you are listening little baby, before or after December 11. Those are your options.

I have a Doctor's appointment tomorrow but I won't be seeing Dr. Barbie because she's in Dallas.
Instead I'll be seeing Dr. Samale. I have no clue who she is or what she is like... I'm dragging Erik along with me because I can.

I'm going to go troll the Internet now. Maybe boredom will send me into labor...

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