Monday, December 27, 2010

right handed interneting

I slept a ton today and last night. I mean a shit load of sleep (measured using newborn-baby-in-the-house standards) so like five hours.

It honestly isn't horribly bad. I think I remember being more sleep deprived in basic training but then I got to sleep in somewhat solid chunks of sleep. And there was always that one blessed night a week when I didn't have fire guard duty.

I have had a couple of crying jags where I beg Rhea to just go to sleep but I think my count for those is around two. This is working fine right now. I'm already worrying about events in the future though. I have a long, long test series I have to take on January 15 and I have no clue how I will survive it without my boobs exploding on my chest.

Don't get me wrong, I actually like breast feeding but I can't go much longer than 2.5 hours without becoming painfully full.

Ok I have to burp Rhea now so I'll get back to this later.

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