I have been fooling myself and everyone else. I am terrified of labor! Like, HOLYSHITHOLYSHITHOLYSHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How can I possibly push this thing out of my VAGINA? Oh man it will never be the same! I take it back I don't want to reproduce!
OK I don't feel better but I do feel a bit more honest.
I'm scared of heights and what I feel is like being the next person in line to jump off the rappel tower. Not only do I have to do it but I have to wait to do it. Who wants to do that?! Not this girl, no way. I have to though. There is absolutely no medical reason for me to not give birth vaginally so I can't back out now.
Not to mention I would like sole possession of my body again. That would be nice.
We (Erik, me and the unborn) went to see Dr. Barbie yesterday. She passed her exam in Dallas (thank god I don't have an incompetent Dr.). I think she offered to induce me today but I said no (because I am terrified). I am 4 cm dilated and the baby's head is "right there". Whatever I've heard it all before. So she doesn't think she'll see me at my next appointment and then she ran off to do a c-section in Providence.
NOTE TO SELF: You aren't a huge fan of this Dr. so don't get any false loyalty.
This is the breakdown of who thinks what day will be the day:
Me: Never
Erik: Doesn't care
Mom: Tomorrow
Dad: 19th
Boss1: 21st (thanks a lot jerk)
Boss2: 14th
Coworker 12th
I haven't really asked anyone else.....
A fun fact: record for longest human pregnancy is 375 days (instead of normal 280ish).
So that would mean she'd be born... March 22. Which was my original (vaginal) due date. Creepy!!!
Also: I think your doctor is jinxing you. Next time she tells you she won't see you next week, punch her.
Haha. She already thinks I have violent tendencies..
One little joke about punching a Doctor and now I'm suspect.
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