Tuesday, November 23, 2010

3 centimeters, 75% effaced...this could take forever

From what I understand, dilation and effacement are USELESS. That is until you hit the magical 4 cm and begin contracting (which I have stopped doing).

In better news I went out and purchased some generic Zantac 75 today and IT IS AWESOME!!!!
The real test will be tonight when the heartburn from hell returns for it's nightly visit. (I never had heartburn until well into the third trimester. That's when it hit me like a Mack truck.)

I went and saw Dr. Barbie today. (My biggest goal for my delivery is that I can get a picture of her to show you) She thinks that I may not make next week's appointment because I will be birthing a watermelon, I mean baby, before then. I'm not so hopeful. She did tell me that I barely look pregnant in my uniform which is, of course, an outright lie but it made me feel better.

I called my mom and let her know how my appointment went today. First, some background on my mother. She is a robot. No emotion what so ever. Don't get me wrong she loves her children VERY MUCH, she just has problems showing it sometimes. She is also a nurse (and a professor and working on her PhD but lets not go there). So when I called her and told her what Dr. Barbie had said and Her Majesty, the Queen of Calm, squealed like my 15 year old sister I was quite taken aback. It took me a good couple of minutes to actually process that she did it. As in I didn't realize it until after I got off the phone with her. I'm going to hold on to that little gem until a really large family gathering.

I have a paper due in approximately 24 hours. I'm in final edits so I should be safe but if Rhea is going to be born I know for a FACT that it will be at the most inopportune time ever, like when I'm supposed to be handing in said paper.

I'm going to take a bath now because I can.

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