Thursday, November 18, 2010

I feel slightly guilty that I have spent the entire day in sweats... Technically I'm doing a SUTA and I should only have to worry what my commander thinks but I can sense people judging me. Well go screw! Putting in my uniform was more of a challenge then I could handle this morning. On the productive side, I managed to create 4 drill schedules on the god awful DTMS program. Without excessive swearing or smashing of sensitive equipment. Go me!!!

1 comment:

Antiope said...

Did you stick fun events into the drill schedule? Like "Brigade Nap" or "Cake Eating Contest"? That would be the best drill ever.

Next month I have a Class A inspection (on a hanger for me, obviously) and then I get to take photos of screaming, sticky children climbing on a poor soul in a Santa suit. Ugggggghhhh.