Lately I feel bountiful. Usually I'm not very curvy (except my especially large ass) and lately I've kind of been digging the pregnant lady curves. I have boobs for the first time in my life. That's pretty awesome.
Plus mother Earth can be a total bitch and we still love her so it's cool.
If I sound a little out of it now it's because I am. Sleep is becoming quite the chore. Tonight I'm going to try sleeping sitting up and see if that helps because I can no longer lay on my side. The back pain in the night is horrid.
I've been having real, honest to goodness contractions. They never stick around and don't intensify so the Doc isn't worried but I'm souped! If I can make it until Friday without going into active labor then she won't stop labor if it decides to start after that point.
Speaking of my Doc reminds me that I have a confession. I kind of hate her. She is always matchy-matchy with nice outfits, perfect hair and flawless make up. I really dislike sitting there with my ACUs on that don't come close to looking the same color, pants unbuttoned because I refuse to get maternity ACUs and being confronted with her fashion sense. Grrr. Just wait until I'm covered in sweat, blood and all other bodily fluids trying to expel this watermelon and she has the absolute gall to show up all put together.
I have yet to finish my single paper that is due for my stupid class. It's due next week and I can't get into writing it. Dammit. Also, I missed class yesterday because the ass of my jeans ripped as I was leaving the parking lot to go into the classroom. I'm not going to get into my feelings on that because, well it was just a dark time.
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